resolution check-in # 1

about a month ago, i resolved to do 14 things this year. one of those things was #11 spend two weeks in France. and guess what friend? the dates are set. the tickets are booked. the housing is reserved. exciting huh? i started an instagram & Facebook page to keep track of this adventure. go ahead. follow along! @twofriendsgo and



this isn’t my first world-traveling rodeo. last summer i went to South Korea & Japan, and the summer before i traveled to Argentina & Uraguay. in college i had a boyfriend who was studying abroad & we traveled to Spain, Italy & Ireland. i’m addicted. 

although i would never describe myself as a ‘thrill seeker’ i love a good adventure. i’m not into cliff jumping and extreme roller coasters. i’m into experiencing new things, in new places. or even ordinary things in new places. or new things in ordinary places. however you mix it, its just the experiences that i love the most. taking opportunities is what makes life exciting. and i’m fortunate enough that my other BFF was willing to take this opportunity with me. cheers to another year of friendship, travels & memories in the making : )
